Web hosting is a must for any individual or business wanting to make an impression online. It’s the process by which your web site is stored on a public server, giving users worldwide access to it. But there are a few ways to go about it, as you’ll see below.
Free Hosting: While the notion of “free” hosting might seem initially tempting, it is very limited and not suited for professional use. Free hosting requires you to use a domain provided by the site, and has little to no technical support or security.
Shared Hosting: This option is the most common, and also the best deal for your money. That’s because the cost is “shared” with other clients of the hosting service. While this offers good support and software options, it’s not recommended for larger businesses due to lower security and other restrictions.
Virtual Private Server Hosting (VPS): This option is the “missing link” between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. While other clients will still be on your server, the system is divided so that a certain amount of resources are only available to your site. VPS hosting is cheaper than dedicated hosting.
Dedicated Hosting: This option, one of the most expensive, offers plenty of bang for your buck. You get the most powerful security with the highest traffic capabilities, as well as the option for multiple domain names. For large businesses, this is a must.
Co-Located Web Hosting: This is the DIY option of web-hosting, in which you buy your own server and manage it on your own. It gives you most of the same options as a dedicated server, but with even more customization options.
Now that you know the basics of web hosting, do your own research to find out which is best for your business needs. Don’t be afraid to ask a professional for help.