A good VPS service will help you save money by paying for only what you need — while allowing you to expand your hosting as necessary. Medium-sized sites have the opportunity to grow in various directions as they age. For example, you might find you wish to implement a forum or other community features. Any VPS hosting solution you choose should have a range of options for easily deploying compelling add-ons. This is true whether your site is social or focused on commerce.

To make site operations easy for you, the host you choose should be one you can stick with as your site continues to mature. Make sure you select a company with excellent customer service and rapid responses to technical issues.
Three Terrific VPS Hosting Options for a Medium-Sized Website:
1. HostingSource
HostingSource is associated with some of the larger sites out on the Web, but it can also provide boutique services for medium-sized sites. If your website is growing fast, it’s a good idea to go ahead and get started with this reliable and scalable VPS hosting company. Hosting Source can provide hosting for unlimited sites, so it’s great for cultivating side projects that can help your main site. Its VPS structure allows you to service thousands of users from around the world without sacrificing speed or security.
All About Premium VPS from Hosting Source:
- 100 percent availability guarantee puts mid-sized sites on equal footing with rivals.
- Redundant hardware helps prevent outages and supports rapid restoration of lost data.
- Administrators can manage sites and implement new features using cPanel or Plesk.
2. Interserver
Flexibility and reliability are the hallmarks of Interserver hosting. Your guaranteed 99.9 percent availability will ensure users get a great experience even at peak traffic hours. It is easy to get started; a new VPS can be running just minutes from now. Interserver offers low prices for a basic VPS hosting package consisting of one “slice” of resources. Administrators can upgrade any time, enjoying the benefits of up to 16 slices — potentially enough for even the busiest websites on the Internet.
A Glimpse at Interserver VPS Services:
- Exceptional customer service and technical support backed by many years of experience.
- One of the most flexible pricing and resource structures in medium-sized VPS hosting.
- Many great options for electronic commerce sites and other online businesses.
3. MediaTemple
Media Temple has long been one of the first names in hosting for WordPress sites. Medium-sized sites that use WordPress and its extensions will find this host a particularly good deal. However, the value of Media Temple doesn’t end with popular blog platforms. Media Temple offers two distinct options that are great for medium-sized sites. One is focused on businesses and agencies, giving easy access to hundreds of popular “apps” for expanding your site features. The other provides immediate root access for savvy admins.
Acclaimed Features for Mid-Sized Hosting Through Media Temple VPS:
- Granular options that range from command line access to cPanel control panel use.
- Automated installation of features using PHP, MySQL and other scripting languages.
- Easy administration of multiple sites for creative agencies and mid-sized developers.
- Existing customers can easily scale up to hosting services great for larger websites.