What Is URL Redirection?
URL Redirection, also known as URL Forwarding, allows webmasters to divert their visitors to another web address and display the content of that page. A URL Redirection can also be conceptualized as a technique, which, can make a web page to be available under more than one web address. Using URL Redirection technique, a webmaster can make a long, complex URL accessible to his visitors by typing an easy-to-remember and shorter URL.

Configuring URL Redirection in cPanel
In this tutorial, we will go through the steps involved in configuring URL Redirection in cPanel hosting interface.
STEP-1: Log in to your cPanel account. Scroll down and look for “Domains” section on your cPanel Home page. Click on the icon named as “Redirects”.
STEP-2: You will have the option to configure either a Temporary Redirect or a Permanent Redirect. The main distinguishing factor between a permanent and temporary redirect is whether you want your visitors to get notified to change their saved favorite/bookmark entry to the new URL or not. While a permanent redirect will prompt the visitors to save the new URL to their bookmark/favorite section, a temporary redirect will simply ignore that aspect.
STEP-3: Select your desired domain name from the drop-down list of domain names and key in the URL to be redirected on the next text box (after ‘/’). The subsequent input box, denoted by the string “Redirects to”, should be filled in with the URL of the page to which you would like your visitors to get diverted to.
STEP-4: Did you notice the three radio buttons just below the “Redirects To” text box? Based on the selected option, a web browser will determine whether a URL with and/or without the “www” part needs to be redirected or not. Select the desired option.
STEP-5: Last, but not the least, there will be check-box – “Wild Card Redirect” – just above the”Add” button. Ticking the check-box will redirect the file(s) within the source directory to the same file-name(s) in the redirected directory.
Click on the “Add” button after specifying your Wild Card Redirect choice. If you have followed all the five steps correctly, a confirmation message will be displayed mentioning the redirect that you have just configured.